Purchasing a solid set of headphones can be a great, long-lasting investment. With proper use and care, this investment will provide years of quality music and entertainment. If you're in the market for a new pair, you probably already have a style you like and a brand you love. With wireless headphones dominating the market, you may think that's the way to go. That doesn't mean wired headphones aren't just as good, though! Let's break down the pros and cons of both wired and wireless headphones.
Wired Headphones
Wired headphones have been around for a while and they probably aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Preferred by DJs and audiophiles around the world, their biggest drawback, wires, is often outshone by everything they do right.
Wired Pros
Battery Life
You will never have to worry about battery life. Your wired headphones will continue to work as long as the device they're plugged into has power.
Audio Quality
Wired headphones receive data via an analog signal. An analog signal can handle and transmit more data than Bluetooth, giving you higher quality audio.
Wired headphones are much cheaper than wireless. They don't rely on special tech, Bluetooth capabilities, or other features that depend on wireless connectivity. This can greatly reduce the price of your headphones.
Wired Cons
The Wires
People avoid wired headphones because that long mess of cables is a hassle. They knot up, get caught on everything, and can be a major pain to untangle.
The Wires, Continued
Cables getting tangled up and caught on things are likely to get damaged. Pinch or cut the cable, and your headphones might not work at all.
The Wires, Concluded
Wired headphones require an audio jack in order to connect to an audio device. These aren't the most durable connections and frequently become loose, damaged, or disconnected.
Wireless Headphones
Once a premium audio feature, Bluetooth devices have now become the new standard. These headphones offer an easy, mobile listening experience unmatched in the audio world.
Wireless Pros
Wireless headphones can connect to virtually anything with Bluetooth capabilities. Even better, the connection process can be as simple as hitting a button.
There's a reason people prefer wireless headphones: no wires means no hassle. Wireless headphones pack up better, travel lighter, and set up faster than their wired counterparts.
Wireless headphones typically offer far more options than wired units. You can connect to apps, multiple devices, or even hold meetings. All of these options can be available almost anywhere you choose.
Wireless Cons
Battery Life
Ever had your headphones die in the middle of a vacation? If you don't have a charging cable, you can say goodbye to music for the rest of your trip. While some brands boast amazing battery life, you're still dependant on a charging cable.
Convenience and portability don't come cheap. Wireless headphones require more tech to accommodate your listening experience, and you'll see this reflected in the price.
The Bottom Line
Both types of headphones are great options and offer a number of solid choices, regardless of your preferences. The truth is, most headset purchases are a reflection of style and personality. So, next time you're shopping for headphones, find a pair you love and enjoy some tunes.
If you're ready for an upgrade, Progressive Leasing offers simple, flexible payment options from over 30,000 retailer locations. Find a store near you and discover your new headphones by visiting our website at progleasing.com.